No. 774 Geneva, 15 October 1993 CONCERNING: Decisions of the Standing Committee on Trade in Rhinoceros Horn and Tiger Specimens At its 30th meeting, held in Brussels, Belgium, from 6 to 8 September, the Standing Committee again discussed the trade- related problems of conservation of rhinoceros species (Rhinocerotidae) and the tiger (Panthera tigris). The Committee reviewed the progress that had been made in response to its previous decisions (see Notification to the Parties No. 738 of 20 April 1993), and the information that had become available since then. The Committee received a report from the Chairman of the IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group on the status of the tiger and threats to its future, and a report from the Secretariat including the results of the UNEP conference of rhinoceros range States, consumer States and donors, which took place in June 1993. The Standing Committee made a series of decisions, which are attached to this Notification. The Secretariat draws the attention of the Parties in particular to the decisions numbered 12 and 16, which affect all Parties. Decisions of the Standing Committee on Trade in Rhinoceros Horn and Tiger Specimens Brussels (Belgium), 6-8 September 1993 The Standing Committee: 1. notes that, at recent meetings, it has received information on the plight of rhinoceros and tiger populations which, despite listing in CITES Appendix I, have been subject to considerable pressure from poaching, in particular to supply an illegal trade for use in oriental medicines, and has called for reports from the countries which represent the market for these wildlife products; 2. notes the progress that has been made by the authorities in consumer countries to strengthen domestic control of this illegal trade and to educate their communities about the risk which is placed on the survival of rhinoceroses and the tiger from continued demand for parts and derivatives for use in such medicines; 3. notes with approval that the Republic of Korea has, since the 29th meeting of the Standing Committee, acceded to CITES and sought to strengthen its domestic legislation and enforcement action in respect of smuggled rhinoceros products in particular; 4. notes the information received from the Secretariat regarding progress in Yemen, in particular regarding moves to strengthen the capability of the Environmental Protection Agency to enforce the ban on use of rhinoceros horn and regarding the decline in use of rhinoceros horn, but expresses concern that Yemen has not yet taken all necessary steps to accede to the Convention; 5. notes with some concern that the Standing Committee's request made at its 29th meeting, for information on the control of illegal trade in rhinoceros horn and tiger specimens drew an inadequate response from the People's Republic of China; 6. reports concern that the measures taken by the People's Republic of China and the competent authorities in Taipei are not adequate to sufficiently control illegal trade in rhinoceros horn and tiger specimens and failed to comply with measures outlined in Resolution Conf. 6.10. Parties should consider implementing stricter domestic measures up to and including prohibition of trade in wildlife species now; 7. agrees that the minimum criteria to be met for the adequate implementation of protection measures before the end of November 1993 within the consumer countries are as follows: a) identification and marking of stocks of rhinoceros horn; b) consolidation of both rhinoceros horn and tiger bone stocks and their adequate control by the State; c) adoption and implementation of adequate legislative measures; and d) provision for adequate enforcement of the above measures; 8. agrees that a letter should be sent from the Chairman of the Standing Committee to the noted consumer countries, to impress upon them the gravity of the situation, advise them of the criteria set down by the Standing Committee to be met for the adequate implementation of protection measures, offer technical assistance on implementation and enforcement and seek their co-operation with the Parties to the Convention; 9. suggests that, within available resources, a technical delegation with a focus on implementation and enforcement be offered to interested consumer countries; 10. agrees that a high-level delegation should be sent to assess progress achieved by consumer countries, as soon as possible after the end of November 1993, and should report to the Standing Committee, which may make further recommendations as appropriate; 11. agrees that a letter should be sent from the Chairman of the Standing Committee to the Russian Federation urging improved implementation of domestic measures to prevent poaching of Siberian tiger and to shut off the illegal transborder movement of tiger specimens into south and east Asia; 12. urges that the draft Lusaka Agreement be refined with the assistance of UNEP and adopted by all African States to improve law enforcement against illegal trade in wild fauna and flora, and further urges other Parties to offer financial assistance with enforcement; 13. agrees that a letter should be sent from the Chairman of the Standing Committee to Zambia urging it to take effective measures with a view to ending the transborder poaching and illegal trade in rhinoceros horn; 14. notes that the UK has undertaken to pursue with the appropriate authorities in Hong Kong the concerns about illegal movement of rhinoceros horn and tiger specimens across its borders, in order to improve the effectiveness of enforcement; 15. agrees that a letter should be sent from the Chairman of the Standing Committee to Myanmar, Viet Nam and the Lao People's Democratic Republic urging adequate control of trade in wildlife and especially of the movement of rhinoceros horn and tiger specimens across their borders, and strengthening of enforcement capabilities accordingly, as well as their soonest possible accession to CITES; 16. urges all Parties to fully comply with the measures outlined in Resolution Conf. 6.10 and requests that Parties holding stockpiles report their actions in this regard to the Secretariat.